Download one of our latest white papers to learn more about how TimeMD can help your business.
Calculating the ROI of Implementing a Time & Attendance Solution
“Timekeeping software systems have been around for many years. There are dozens perhaps even hundreds of systems in the market. These timekeeping software packages have a whole range of features. But before getting caught up in a chase for more features, make sure you understand why you are automating your timekeeping process.”
Deploying a Time and Attendance Solution
“Time tracking is one of the most time consuming and costly overhead functions in many organizations and businesses. Most do not realize that time tracking can be automated or that signi?cant savings can be seen by analyzing their organizations approach to tracking time. Furthermore, the right type of time and attendance system is critical to yielding the best results. This white paper reviews the issues involved with deploying time and attendance software via Web-based solution.”
Handling Complex Time Tracking Policies
“In recent years, leading edge time and attendance systems have started handling a whole additional set of calculations. Most prominent amongst these capabilities is the ability to calculate gross pay instead of being just an “hours focused” system. There are many logical reasons to calculate pay in the time and attendance software instead of in the payroll system, as described below.”
How to Increase Profits with Time Tracking Software
“In order to survive in today’s economy, you must take full advantage of all your companies recourses. However many organizations fail to make use of a key area – time. This is even despite the fact that many of these same companies would agree that “time equals money”. Many businesses are not accustomed to the idea of investing into time just as they would with money.”
Manual Time Keeping vs. Automated Time Keeping
“Time and attendance software is designed to automate the manual process of using time sheets to record time and attendance information. However to understand what areas/steps are automated and their effect, it’s ?rst necessary to understand what’s involved in using a manual time sheet process. The following describes a typical time sheet process using a manual method.”
Outsourcing HR: Can You Afford Not Too?
“With the economy starting to make a recovery from 2009?s economic downturn, this year is already showing more and more businesses bringing on new hires. Business growth not only paves the way for increased revenue, but with the addition of a growing staff comes the implication of understanding HR and employment law requirements.”